The Global Compact Network Italy currently has 40 members with "Founding Member" status.Of these, just over 30% are non-profit organizations, confirming the strongly multistakeholder nature of the UN’s Global Compact initiative.
The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) was set up as an initiative to spread corporate citizenship on a global scale, mainly aimed at companies. However, in order to stimulate comparison and interaction, participation in the UNGC is open to organizations of various kinds, such as, for example, civil society organizations, universities and research institutions, public institutions, as well as business associations.
From the activation of a multi-stakeholder dialogue to the implementation of profit/non-profit partnerships for sustainable development, there are numerous opportunities for synergy between the various actors participating in the Global Compact.
Currently, over 3,000 non-profit organizations support the initiative, working alongside companies to disseminate the 10 Principles of the Global Compact and the United Nations' Global Goals2030. All stakeholder organizations participating in the UNGC are invited to take part in the work plans implemented by the Global Compact Local Networks in their respective national contexts.