UNGCN Italy Publications

The document, presented during the 12th edition of the “Salone della CSR e dell’Innovazione Sociale” in Milan, represents the practical output of the UN Global Compact Network Italy Working Group on Sustainable Procurement, which involved 54 companies of different sizes and product sectors in an in-depth thematic path dedicated to the social, environmental and governance aspects of sustainable supply chain management - with particular attention to the impacts of recent European Directives in these areas.

The Position Paper, developed in collaboration with 54 Italian companies participating in the UN Global Compact, highlights innovative strategies for embedding sustainability into business operations, and showcases 20 case studies demonstrating these practices.

The Research, produced in partnership with IPSOS and with the support of Edison, showcases the state of the art regarding the commitment and action of Italian companies on climate change issues and, in particular, on achieving the net-zero targets.

The guidelines document, produced as part of the D&I Observatory in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Italian Association of Staff Management (AIDP), presents the main trends on DE&I among the Italian private sector and shares useful recommendations for drafting and adopting corporate policies on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.

Il Paper presenta sfide ed opportunità per le imprese nella gestione sostenibile delle filiere, partendo da approfondimenti verticali su: la riduzione delle emissioni di Scope 3; la tutela dei diritti umani; la gestione delle esternalità negative attraverso soluzioni circolari.

The Paper aims to highlight the commitment toward decarbonization of Italian companies adhering to the UN Global Compact, deepening the endeavours made and the achievements gained so far to support the Paris Agreement’s goals.

Il documento di linee guida, prodotto nell’ambito dell’Osservatorio D&I con ILO e AIDP, raccoglie le best practices aziendali sul “Principio 6” di UNGC, che richiama il settore privato all’eliminazione di ogni forma di discriminazione sui luoghi di lavoro.

The Report is a collection of business best practices focusing on the implementation of strategies, policies and projects to support the achievement of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

The Report is focused on the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services and was produced in collaboration with researchers at the Institute of Management at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa.

The document is the second version of a collection of 50 best practices of European businesses on sustainability and was produced by UNGCNI on the occasion of the Conference on Sustainable Development "Rio + 20".

The document is a collection of best practices of European businesses on sustainability and was produced by UNGCNI on the occasion of the European UN Global Compact Local Networks Meeting held in Rome (26-28 October).

The document is a collection of best practices of Italian businesses on sustainability produced by UNGCNI on the occasion of the Leaders Summit in New York.



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