The main challenge for the Network in 2018 was to “transfer” at the local level the “One Global Compact” governance model launched by the United Nations and characterized by two original elements: closer coordination, compared to the past, between the New York Offices and the Local Networks around the world, and the launch of new tools and opportunities for exchange on sustainability issues at the international level (such as, for example, the SDGs Academy or the Action Platforms) in the face of a greater financial commitment in support of the initiative required of the profit organizations involved. In 2019, the new model has been consolidating at the local level, also strengthened by a continuous growth trend of the Italian base of the movement, as well as the progressive increase of "Founder members” to the Italian Network of the Global Compact (GCNI).

During the year that is about to close, the Foundation's statutory bodies were also renewed with the confirmation of the Chairman, of some members of the Board of Directors, and with the entry in the board of new companies with mature sustainability profiles and new propositivities. In September, Daniela Bernacchi – a professional with extensive experience in both multinational and non-profit companies – was appointed Secretary General of the GCNI.

Regarding the programmatic aspect, 2019 has seen us especially committed to sustainable finance (to which we dedicated the fourth Ceo Meeting) and innovation for the 2030 Agenda (extensively explored in Trieste within the fourth SDG Forum). All this, without interrupting the planning oriented to the promotion of circularity and sustainable management of the supply chain within organizations.

For 2020, the Network is setting even more challenging growth targets (both numerical and qualitative), consistent with the strategic guidelines and quality standards shared with the Global Compact Office in New York: we intend to reach new territories in a detailed way, paying attention to those areas of our country not yet fully permeated by the culture of sustainable development. There is still an important margin of synergy with some key players, namely small and medium enterprises which make up a large part of the national industrial fabric. We will offer them a new vision, together with useful tools to gain awareness and "move" in the direction indicated by the SDGs. In order to best succeed in these ambitious and urgent challenges, we count, as usual, on institutional support and the valuable collaboration of our partners.

"Making Global Goals Local Business" remains our action’s ultimate aim and meaning, an idea shared right at the end of the year by Lise Kingo – General Manager of UNGC – who honored our Network with her presence both in the board and in the Assembly in December.

Happy 2020.

Marco Frey, President - Global Compact Network Italy


Video-racconto del quinto SDG Forum

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