The Global Compact Network Italy currently has 40 members with "Founding Member" status. Of these, just over 30% are non-profit organizations, confirming the strongly multistakeholder nature of the UN’s Global Compact initiative.
The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) was set up as an initiative to spread corporate citizenship on a global scale, mainly aimed at companies. However, in order to stimulate comparison and interaction, participation in the UNGC is open to organizations of various kinds, such as, for example, civil society organizations, universities and research institutions, public institutions, as well as business associations.
From the activation of a multi-stakeholder dialogue to the implementation of profit/non-profit partnerships for sustainable development, there are numerous opportunities for synergy between the various actors participating in the Global Compact.
Currently, over 3,000 non-profit organizations support the initiative, working alongside companies to disseminate the 10 Principles of the Global Compact and the United Nations' Global Goals 2030. All stakeholder organizations participating in the UNGC are invited to take part in the work plans implemented by the Global Compact Local Networks in their respective national contexts.
In March, four new "Founding Members" joined the GCNI, three of which are non-profit organizations: Omal SpA, AiFOS - Italian Association of Trainers and Operators for Workplace Safety, Cittadinanzattiva Onlus, Dianova Onlus.
AiFOS – Italian Association of Trainers and Operators for Workplace SafetyBecoming a member of the Global Compact Network Italy Foundation is a necessary step forward in the growth and development of our association which has been working for 15 years on health and safety in the spaces of daily life and the workplace.
At AiFOS "sustainable development" means, above all, spreading the culture of health and well-being for everyone and for all ages, encouraging working conditions that adapt to the increasingly evolving needs of today's workers and therefore seeking to reconcile the different moments of life and work in an increasingly intelligent way.
We believe that organizational well-being, the reduction of inequality, gender equality and equity, "decent work", the development of sustainable working environments and the introduction of measures aimed at developing new, increasingly smart ways of working, are the goals to be achieved in order to stimulate inclusive and lasting economic growth, fruitful employment and decent work for all. Let's not forget about training, one of our fundamental missions, which is an essential tool for achieving the aforementioned objectives. It is precisely through training that AiFOS pursues its goals every day: training in the fields of environmental safety, agro-food safety, organizational wellbeing, resource enhancement, stress management, worker awareness, multiculturalism, “age management” and many other subjects to try to improve our work and social fabric in a sustainable way. (Francesco NAVIGLIO - Secretary General, AiFOS)
CITTADINANZATTIVA Onlus (Active citizenship non-profit organisation)Cittadinanzattiva, which has been working for 40 years to activate citizens in the care of common goods and in the protection of the rights of the weakest, has always based the relationship with companies on a transparent partnership, aimed at carrying out activities of general interest. Today, this strategy is of decisive importance for a greater commitment to support the UN 2030 Agenda and sustainable development. For Cittadinanzattiva, being part of the Italian Network of the Global Compact represents a great opportunity for commitment in this direction and for further growth of the organization to implement activities and projects with a strong innovative character. The challenge of the 2030 Agenda to promote a better world for all can put people with different skills and sensibilities together in an ever improving way, who can finally be found, today more than ever, working side by side for collective well-being. (Francesca MOCCIA – Vice Secretary General, Cittadinanzattiva)
DIANOVA Association (part of DIANOVA International)Being part of the Global Compact Network Italy Foundation represents for the Dianova Association a further step towards the construction of real partnerships with the for-profit world, partnerships necessary to carry out projects and to keep the focus on the problem of substance dependence, still very current in today's society, and on that of juvenile unease where in recent years we have invested our experience to help young people in difficult situations. For over thirty years Dianova's goal has been to welcome many young and not so young people who have a dependence on substances or are in situations of social hardship into its facilities, to accompany them towards reintegration into society and towards personal autonomy. We are convinced that in order to rebuild a healthy and inclusive welfare, in a sustainable society, it is now important to create strong synergies among all the protagonists, overcoming the differences between profit and non-profit. They should be synergies that will allow us to respond together to the need to build an inclusive society that does not abandon those who have had or still have difficulty in their lives, that can reintegrate people, that does not build walls and underline the differences, and that cares about the personal freedoms of each individual, as we do when we welcome a person into our facilities. Together with the for-profit world we want to work on building projects that generate value and social impact in a perspective of mutual enrichment, a way to exchange ideas and energy, leverage innovation and create common goals, putting an end to the concept that social, economic and environmental objectives cannot coexist. (Pierangelo PUPPO – President, Dianova)
OMAL S.p.A.OMAL S.p.A. has always been sensitive to social needs and environmental issues, the company has always been committed to improving products and internal processes. Since 2016, this commitment has been declared through the Sustainability Report in order to demonstrate how fundamental social and environmental sustainability are for OMAL. In OMAL there are many reasons to believe in ethical issues, not as a response to external demands but as an internal management and organization strategy that has a positive impact at all levels. Our efforts which began in 2016 (with the community volunteer project) and were aimed at an initial corporate positioning on issues of responsibility and reputation also made 2017 stand out for a series of important results. During 2017 OMAL's commitment was aimed at maintaining what was announced in the first financial statements and the renewal of thematic experiences, such as Corporate Art, which were further developed to benefit the company's internal and external relations. For the future, it will be increasingly important to constructively strengthen the relationships with the firm’s territory of origin, envisaging establishing a local model of corporate responsibility that can also aggregate other companies from other sectors, thus overcoming the limit of planning alone in the area of sustainability. This is why OMAL has decided to become part of the Global Compact Italy Foundation network, supporting a sustainable and responsible global economy. (Thomas BUIZZA - Operation Manager, Omal)