The UN Global Compact Network Italy uses a comprehensive partner network, made up of organizations and institutions not participating in the United Nations Global Compact, but that share some or all the general aims of the initiative.
UNGCN Italy's partners may be public bodies, national or local government institutions, international organisations, foundations and non-profit organisations, firms and academic institutions and relevant associations, media. They contribute to the implementation of the activities of the Network, and viceversa, through the sharing of knowledge and technical skills, staff, material and logistical resources, programs and courses of action in view of a rationalization of the commitments and for greater effectiveness in the initiatives. In cases of more established partnerships, the UNGCN Italy can also start broader design processes of the businesses.

For the Year 2020, we wish to thank the following organizations for supporting UNGCN Italy in the pursuit of its goals and for collaborating in the implementation of its program of activities:

B Lab Europe
Borsa Italiana
Corriere della Sera
CSR Manager Network
Management Institute - Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa
FEEM - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Enel Foundation
Ministry of Foreing Affairs and International Cooperation
Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea Protection
Ministry of Labor and Social Policies
Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies
OIM – International Organization for Migration
UN Women
