What exactly is this goal?: Every year 6 million children below the age of 5 and about 300,000 women during pregnancy or childbirth die. 400 million people lack access to services for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and, in general, to health care services. In addition, the health of people at global level is under threat from new emerging or deep-rooted phenomena: drug abuse, road traffic accidents, air, water and soil pollution. SDG 3 aims to reduce the global rate of maternal and infant mortality, ensuring health care coverage for all and a decrease in deaths related to smoking, alcohol abuse and road traffic accidents.
Corporate role: companies play an active part in putting actions into practice that ensure health and safety at work for all employees, also ensuring that business operations do not adversely impact the right to health and maximizing positive contributions to the well-being of society as a whole. The companies belonging to the healthcare or pharmaceutical sectors are the most closely related to this objective, but all firms can contribute. Further information
How to measure the corporate contribution: some indicators to evaluate corporate actions include: the effectiveness of programmes on the accessibility to healthy lifestyles and a healthy diet and the prevention of chronic diseases; the type and number of accidents in the workplace; and the number of sick leave days.