What exactly is this goal?: income inequality around the world is on the rise. The richest 10% of the population owns 40% of the total world income, while the poorest 10% hold between 2% and 7%. At the same time, the inequality between the rich and the poor within individual countries is also increasing. In developing countries, in particular, the internal inequality has increased by 11% in the period between 1999 and 2010. These differences affect income equality among people, especially access to decent work and health and education services. In addition, there are some groups of vulnerable people, such as migrants or the disabled, who suffer an even greater disparity regarding opportunities. Inequality is an obstacle to social and economic development, increasing global poverty and discouraging the spirit of achievement and self-esteem of people. SDG 10 aims to reduce disparities in income and opportunity among countries and within them, reducing poverty in the more disadvantaged areas, encouraging social, economic and political inclusion for everyone, by promoting policies at international level to improve regulation and control of the markets and financial institutions. Moreover, it should facilitate the responsible and safe migration and mobility of migrants.
Corporate role: companies should offer decent working conditions throughout the value chain, especially for disadvantaged groups, redistributing salaries more equitably among their employees and applying effective mechanisms to counter tax evasion. Further information
How to measure the corporate contribution: some indicators to evaluate corporate actions include: evaluation and control systems for environmental and social risks; the number of company control processes in areas with a low population density or in areas where people exist in disadvantaged living conditions; the number of initiatives for improving access to financial services for vulnerable groups; and significant indirect economic impacts.