The Global Compact Network Italy Foundation Board of Directors met on April 20th 2015 to examine and accept Ergo Italia SpA’s (a company working in insurance and social security) membership application to the Foundation with "Participant" status.
On 9th April the first meeting between the Global Compact Network Italy Foundation (GCNI Foundation) and the Antitrust Authority on the topic of Legality Rating was held in Rome. The presence of the Antitrust Authority, starting with an overview and analysis followed by an open debate on the issue, enabled a greater understanding of the application mechanisms of the regulation - as amended following the recent public consultation in which the Foundation took part.
On 29th April 2015, at the headquarters of ABI in Milan (and in web-connection with the headquarters of ABI in Rome), the GCNI Foundation took part in the first working group on the topic: Engagement for listed companies which was promoted by the Forum for Sustainable Finance in collaboration with the CSR Manager Network. The purpose of the project is to facilitate the understanding and the response from businesses to the engagement initiatives on sustainability issues on behalf of investors.
The CSR Manager Network conducted, in cooperation with ALTIS Alta Scuola Impresa e Società of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, the research “CSR unit in big Italian companies”, in order to understand how sustainability is included into the strategy of Italian companies.
The CSR Manager Network has started in cooperation with ALTIS Alta Scuola Impresa e Società of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, its 2015 research project, which is aimed at developing a scheme for assessing the overall return of an investment in sustainability (Global Return on Investments in Sustainability, in short Global ROIS).
In the light of the workprogram carried out by the Global Compact Network Italy Foundation (GCNI Foundation) and its results which were filed during 2014, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Foundation and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)was renewed on 27th February. The MoU was signed by George Kell as Executive Director of the UNGC and Marco Frey as Chairman of the GCNI.
The Global Compact Network Italy Foundation is engaged in the production of its second Report on Activities intended for the Global Compact Office in New York, all organizations subscribing to the Foundation, the Foundation’s partner organizations and its internal and external stakeholders. The Report, which is published on an annual basis, is emerging as an important tool for information-giving and communication on the aims of the Foundation, the system of governance and the people involved as staff and external collaborators, the Foundation’s members and participants, but especially on the state of implementation of the initiatives that make up the activities program of the Foundation and on the results achieved during the year of reference.
How do CSR Managers see their role nowadays and how do they expect it will change tomorrow? The CSR Manager Network promoted the research “Il ruolo del CSR Manager: Vissuti professionali e prospettive future” (CSR Manager: professional paths and career perspectives), in cooperation with ALTIS Graduate School Business and Society of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. The research studied the professional and educative background of CSR Managers, the characteristics of the job and career prospects.
The UN Global Compact Welcome Meeting 2015 was held on Monday, February 16th, from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. It was sponsored by the Global Compact Network Italy Foundation (GCNI Foundation) and intended to be for all the Italian companies and organizations that have joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in the last two years. The meeting, held in web mode, was an opportunity for a discussion and a comparison about the following points: the objectives of the UNGC; commitments and opportunities for UNGC members; operational aspects of participating in the Global Compact (e.g. producing Communications on Progress/on Engagement - COP/COE, use of the Global Compact logos, etc.); the UNGC work program at global level. The GCNI Foundation will hold the event every year.
To request the material from the meeting, write to:
The Global Compact Network Italy Foundation "Environment" Working Group met again on March 2nd. The meeting was held via web video-conference between the FEEM - Eni Enrico Mattei Foundation headquarters in Milan and that of eni in Rome. The meeting was also attended by two researchers from the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa and two representatives from the Ministry of the Environment (MoE) which deals with the strategy for resource mobilization for global biodiversity, for the necessary connections at national level and the role of the private sector in the aforementioned strategy. Among the items on the agenda, there was the sharing of two new testimonies (Italcementi and the Cariplo Foundation) which focused on "The ecosystem services in business management".
On March 3rd a web-meeting aimed at presenting the Global Compact Network Italy Foundation’s work program for 2015 was held. Representatives of companies and organizations who are "Founding Members" and "Participants" of the Foundation took part in the meeting. In addition there were delegates from companies and organizations are not members but who are interested in knowing more about the Foundation's work in order to consider a future participation in the Italian Network of the Global Compact.
The Board of Directors of the Global Compact Network Italy Foundation, which met on February 19th reviewed and accepted the membership applications submitted to the Foundation by Officinae Verdi and Unicheck s.r.l. (for "Founder" status). The first firm is an SME which is active in the alternative energy sector; the second one is a micro enterprise that provides IT services for anti-counterfeiting, traceability and communication between producers and consumers. To view the current list of companies and organizations that are members of the Foundation, click here
The Global Compact Network Italy Foundation has organized the ''UN Global Compact Welcome Meeting 2015" for 16th February from 10.00 am to 12.00 a.m. It is open to all the Italian companies and organizations that have joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in the last two years (2013- 2014). The meeting will be held via internet. The meeting will be devoted to a study of the Global Compact as an international initiative on sustainability and corporate responsibility and to the sharing of operational information related to the participation in the UNGC (e.g. Production of Communications on Progress - COPs, use of Global Compact logos, participation in international events, etc.). Finally, at the meeting, the Foundation will present the objectives and program activities for 2015 to the participants. Registration is mandatory. For information and to confirm your attendance, please contact:
The Global Compact Network Italy Foundation co-organized the Workshop on "Natural capital: accounting and accountability of the actors" on the first of the two days during which they structured the States General of the Green Economy scheduled for 5th and 6th November 2014 in Rimini. The material of the Worskhop is now available on-line.
To view the presentations of the speakers who took part in the session, click here
To download the introductory paper, click here
Recognizing the importance that the supply chain plays in contributing to the improvement of sustainability performance and corporate competitiveness, the Global Compact Network Italy Foundation has promoted the creation of a platform aimed at supporting organizations in the collection and sharing of information on their suppliers’ sustainability practices. This was how the TenP – Sustainable Supply Chain Self-Assessment Platform was created, an innovative tool that allows companies to develop a supply chain approach in their strategies and business policies and to address the emerging challenges of sustainability through the development of collective solutions. The TenP Platform presentation event will be held on 10th November in Milan, at La Casa dell’Energia e dell’Ambiente (Piazza Po, 3). The event will begin at 10:30 a.m.
Participation is by invitation only.
For further information write to:
A series of webinars on reporting tools promoted by the United Nations Global Compact will start in October. The first meeting, scheduled for Thursday, 23rd October from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon, will focus on the technical aspects related to producing the Communications on Progress (COP) and the method of sharing them with the company's stakeholders. The meeting will be dedicated to firms that do not have extensive experience in producing documents for sustainability reporting. Two further meetings will be organized in the following months, the first focused on the Communications on Engagement (COE), the second in detail on the qualification criteria of the COP as Advanced. After registration, the participation in the webinars is open to all the Italian companies and organizations participating in the United Nations Global Compact and is cost-free. For more information, write to:
The Global Compact Network Italy Foundation will co-organize a workshop on "Natural capital: accounting and accountability of the actors" on the first of the two days during which they will structure the States General of the Green Economy scheduled for 5th and 6th November in Rimini. The event is one of the thematic sessions, which this year will feature the States General. In the coming weeks a background paper will be prepared by the National Council of the Green Economy Working Groups that are expert in the topic: the group coordinated by Marco Frey working on "sustainable finance and credit for a green economy" and the group led by Roberto Coizet on "ecosystem services", which will be the subject for discussion and sharing. At the workshop, participation from four different categories is expected: service ecosystems researchers, economists (especially corporate) who deal with accounting and economic evaluation of biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES), businesses and organizations who are experimenting with innovative practices in this field as well as the institutions involved in these processes. The Global Compact Network Italy Foundation will engage the member organizations and those active in the Working Group on "sustainable finance and credit" in the debate.
On Tuesday 9th September a day of consultation on the subject of Agenda Post 2015 sponsored by CONCORD and GCAP Italy, the coalition against poverty, was held at the European Parliament building in Rome. The aim of the meeting was to reflect on the role played by Europe and Italy - especially during the European Semester of Presidency - in the process of defining a fair and sustainable future from 2015 onwards. If on the one hand the efforts of the Open Working Group (OWG) - the United Nations working group dedicated to drafting the framework to include the future SDGs - was to define the priority areas and the Sustainable Development Goals, on the other it will be the duty of the institutions, civil society and the private sector to identify the practices required to carry them out. The private sector, in particular, is called upon to rethink their role and redefine their business model to one of a more "circular" and collaborative viewpoint over the next fifteen years. Among the most debated points there are some critical situations that characterize the document being presented till now by the OWG, which to many seems to have an encyclopaedic nature, listing the critical issues, missing the goal of building a "common language" that knows how to define the real priorities for sustainable development in the future. For this reason the importance of continuing the work of discussion and integration as much as possible has been emphasized. The Vice-President of GCNI Foundation, Sabina Ratti, attended. She cited the fundamental role of the private sector in a process in which the search is no longer for principles but for concrete solutions. The tools to be put to use clearly include collaboration, but also the measurement and monitoring of practices implemented, in order to start a new path made of concrete results and continuous improvement.
In September Sofidel, which is among the world's leading manufacturers of paper for hygienic and domestic use, as well as “Promoting Founder" member of the Global Compact Network Italy Foundation (GCNI Foundation), joined the project developed within the "Sustainable Supply - Chain" GCNI Foundation Working Group thus becoming Corporate Partner of the TenP - Sustainable Supply Chain Self-Assessment Platform. The TenP Platform is the tool created by the foundation with the support of A2A, Acea, Ansaldo STS, Edison, Eni, Italcementi Group, Nestlé Italiana, to assist member companies in the collection of information on the sustainability performance of their suppliers, with the aim of using this information to identify common challenges and solutions to improve sustainability within their supply chains. It was created with reference to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, and takes into account the most relevant standards and international conventions in the field of corporate sustainability. The Foundation, therefore, welcomes Sofidel as one of the TenP Project Partners!
The annual Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) CEO Leadership Awards recognize business leaders for their exceptional championship of gender equality and innovative concrete actions taken to advance the WEPs, particularly Principle 1: Leadership Promotes Gender Equality. Award recipients will have the opportunity to speak about their commitment at a ceremony held during the WEPs Annual Event in March 2015. For further information on the iniziative and for submission of application, please click here
The deadline for applying is on November 14th, 2014.