tempioThe Global Compact Network Italy Foundation (GCNI Foundation) has published its third activities report  referring to the period 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2015. The Report is one of the main information and communication tools that the Foundation uses externally.

This annual reporting document is about the composition of the Italian Global Compact Network, the objectives and purposes of the GCNI Foundation, the state of implementation of the initiatives that make up the Foundation's activities plan and the results recorded in the year referred to. With respect to the 2015 activities plan ample space is dedicated, within the document, to the paths made in the context of the thematic working groups active within the Foundation.

The document opens with a focus on the United Nations Global Compact, which also contains sections of updates on the initiative at international level (statistics, 2015 highlights, etc.), and closes with the presentation of the 2016 GCNI Foundation program guidelines.

Report sulle Attività 2015 (Download)

The English version of the Report will soon be available.
For further information on the  publication, please write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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