The Report “MAKING THE CASE. Business, biodiversity and ecosystem services as a tool for change” was presented on 3rd November, at the IV edition of the States General of the Green Economy (Ecomondo, Rimini Fiera). This document was produced by the Global Compact Network Italy Foundation in collaboration with the Institute of Management at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa and with the support of Terna SpA. Previously, the publication had been launched at an international level at the II EU B@B Platform Annual Conference held in Brussels on 27th October.
Ecosystem services (eg. food, water, fuel, air purification, natural recycling of waste, pollination, etc.) play a vital role in society. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment estimates that the loss of ecosystem services contributes to food and energy insecurity, increases vulnerability to natural disasters, such as floods or tropical storms, decreases the level of health, reduces the availability and quality of water resources and undermines cultural heritage. Ecosystem services also represent a significant portion of the total economic value of the planet.
The Report "MAKING THE CASE" intends, first of all, to present the significant experiences of the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES) recorded by major Italian organizations, placing them in a framework of further analysis of the international/European and national regulation on the subject and the main trends in the field. More specifically, the document describes the results of the survey conducted on the following economic actors engaged in the daily challenge towards having a green economy: Acea SpA, Barilla Group F. & G. Brothers, Enel SpA, Expo2015 SpA, Cariplo Foundation, Italcementi SpA, Snam SpA, Sofidel SpA, Terna SpA, UniCredit SpA. The testimonies on the subject offered by these 10 large organizations have allowed the identification of the current priority areas with specific reference to biodiversity and ecosystem services and to create tracks of shared development which will be effective for the future.
Among the main outcomes of this publication, it can be noted how: - the field study has uncovered a widespread perception of how "sustainable development" is not yet an operational reality; - from the involvement of the actors committed to the green economy the need for new rules and new tools on biodiversity and ecosystem services by policy makers has emerged; - the way forward seems to be that of a "multi-level governance" that recognizes the centrality of common action and of public-private partnerships.
You can download the publication at the following link: