On 29 June 2022, Sanda Ojiambo - Assistant Secretary-General and CEO of the UN Global Compact, met with the Board of Directors of the UN Global Compact Network Italy. The meeting, held at the Circolo degli Esteri in Rome, was an extraordinary opportunity for discussion and exchange on achievements, challenges and future scenarios in the Decade of Action for Sustainable Development. The Italian Network presented also its trends over the last few years, showing a tremendous increase in the number of companies that support and apply the Ten Principles of the Global Compact and are engaged on critical issues such as Climate Action and Gender Equality.


» Look at the meeting’s photo gallery

The following day, during an informal meeting hosted by Enel in its headquarters in Rome, Sanda Ojiambo had the opportunity to discuss the role of business in sustainable development with the CEOs of Italian companies that are members of the UN Global Compact with a strong international commitment.

a che punto e la decade of action a roma colloqui fra s ojiambo e il board of directors di ungcn italia AD


Video-racconto del quinto SDG Forum

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