Applications are now being accepted for the16th edition of the Sodalitas Social Award entitled “Le imprese protagoniste dello sviluppo sostenibile” (Companies involved in sustainable development).

The Sodalitas Social Award is the most authoritative Italian award for companies and organizations committed to achieving a sustainable future, implementing effective initiatives to promote growth, development and inclusion.

Projects can be submitted through the platform “IdeaTRE60” by 1.00 pm on 25th May 2018

Five award categories:

  1. Youth, school and future (SDG 4)
  2. Employability, equal opportunities and human rights (SDGs 5 and 8)
  3. Climate, energy and water (SDGs 6, 7 and 13)
  4. Circular economy, sharing economy and sustainable lifestyles (SDG 12)
  5. Fight to inequality, social inclusion and new welfare solutions (SDGs 10 and 11)

Furthermore, five special awards will be prized among all the candidate projects, regardless of the category they apply to: Best in class initiative; Best Industry 4.0 and sustainable development initiative; Best initiative by an SME; More effective initiative Against violence against women; Best profit-non-profit partnership in International Cooperation.

All participating projects will then be published in the “Libro d'oro della Sostenibilità d'impresa” (The CSR Golden Book) and on Sodalitas Social Solution, the most complete online database about CSR in Europe.

The Sodalitas Social Award is organized by Fondazione Sodalitas in collaboration with Fondazione Italiana Accenture, GfK e Omnicom Public Relations Group, and under the patronage of Assolombarda, Commissione Europea and Unioncamere.

For more information please visit our website for contact Valeria Angelillis at the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at +39 0236572983.



Video-racconto del quinto SDG Forum

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