What exactly is this goal?: SDG 2 intends to end hunger, ensuring food security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture. To date, one person out of nine is under-nourished (i.e. does not have enough food to live an active, healthy and productive life) and malnutrition is co-responsible - at global level - for 45% of all child deaths for the under 5s. Hunger is a direct consequence of poverty, of the lack of agricultural infrastructure and of rising food prices on the international market. Climate change is increasing the risk of floods and droughts, a phenomena that is leading to the reduction of natural resources needed for food. SDG 2 aims to end hunger through these actions: ensure that everyone has access to healthy and sufficient nutrition; support the sustainability of food production systems, improving productivity, resilience and the quality of agricultural labor; and strengthen the markets for basic food products at global level.

Corporate role: to support SDG 2 companies can, first of all, engage in the search for innovative agricultural technologies and the dissemination of sustainable practices related to food production in their own supply chains. They can also have a positive impact on local populations, providing access to healthy food. Even though the companies most involved in this goal are those operating in the agricultural sector, all companies can engage in the fight against hunger. Further information

How to measure the corporate contribution: some specific indicators to monitor this goal include: the percentage of consumer spending in accordance with international standards for responsible production; and the quantity and quality of the policies and actions of information and communication targeted at consumers on the ingredients and nutritional aspects of food produced.