A COP is a direct communication from business participants to their stakeholders. For this reason, participants are required to make their COP widely available. While the overall format is flexible, each COP must contain the following three elements:
  • A statement by the chief executive expressing continued support for the UN Global Compact and renewing the participant's ongoing commitment to the initiative and its principles.
  • A description of practical actions (i.e., disclosure of any relevant policies, procedures, activities) that the company has taken (and plans to take) to implement the UN Global Compact principles in each of the four issue areas (human rights, labour, environment, anti-corruption).

Note: In cases where a COP does not address one or more of the four issue areas, an explanation must be provided ("report or explain").

  • A measurement of outcomes (i.e., the degree to which targets/performance indicators were met, or other, qualitative or quantitative, measurements of results). See the GRI format.

Download the basic format of the COP and the guide to produce a COP.

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