tempioThe Global Compact Network Italy Foundation’s Board of Directors met on 28th April and reviewed and accepted the requests for membership to the Global Compact’s Italian Network which were presented by the Etimos Foundation and Philip Morris Italy, who already participate in the initiative at international level (United Nations Global Compact). By joining, the two organizations have acquired the GCNI Foundation’s status of "Founding Member".

"After having joined the UN Global Compact, Etimos decides to take an important step toward the promotion of the dialogue on the implementation of the ten guiding principles on business and human rights, joining the Italian Network Foundation for Global Compact, as a founding member.
It is a coherent one with the history of an organization that has been promoting, in the last 25 years, social economy, socio-economical inclusion, and development finance as paths toward poverty eradication, strengthening of the fundamental rights, for the benefit of local development, both in Italy and in the developing Countries.
Etimos Foundation aims to contribute into the Italian Global Compact Network, bringing the experience of a network of more than one hundred organizations in the world, in the view of a renovated partnership with the Italian business sector.
The ultimate goal is bringing human rights, the protection and “care of our common home” to be more and more key elements of our economic system.
The new Italian international cooperation law provides new opportunities and brings, in the meantime, new challenges for the private sector, setting up an innovative legal framework.
This shall consequently lead to practices shared by the public authority, the private sector, and the social business." Davide Libralesso, Head of International Relations, Etimos Foundation

"We are very proud to become part of the Global Compact Network Italy Foundation. Last year Philip Morris International joined the UN Global Compact, applying its principles to all our business decisions. Our entry into the national network has further strengthened the Group’s commitment to take part in the life of the association, contributing to the realization of its mission and its lofty aims. Our entrance into GCNI Foundation represents the necessary step forward to help create a more sustainable future for ourselves and for generations to come." Paula Baudino – Manager Corporate & Government Affairs, Philip Morris Italia

To view a full list of GCNI Foundation adherents, click here


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