ingranaggioOn 8th February 2016, in line with the UNEP – United Nations Environment Programme initiative "UNEP Inquiry - Design a Sustainable Financial System" and the launch of the Working Group "Green Finance Study Group" co-chaired by Britain and China in the context of G-20; following up on what was signed at the Paris Agreement, the launch of the 2030 Agenda, and the growing focus on environmental and climatic risks that afflict the financial world as well as the real economy, Italy launched the "National Dialogue on Sustainable Finance" at a national level.

This initiative, coordinated by the Ministry of the Environment (MATTM) in partnership with the UNEP, aims to explore policies/actions/parameters to mobilize the financial system and align it to Italy’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Dialogue, made operational with the first coordination round table on 1st April, witnesses the participation of numerous actors from the public and private spheres as well as from civil society, and is divided into eight Working Groups, one for each area identified as a priority. In particular, the Working Groups have been assigned the task of observing and analyzing the state of the barriers and opportunities in each of the identified areas, with the ultimate objective of making sustainable development a prerogative for the financial sector.

The collection of the output of each Working Group will go towards becoming a "national study on sustainable finance" to be presented at Ecomondo (Rimini) in October.

The Global Compact Network Italy Foundation is participating in the event in the role of coordinator of Working Group no. 6 which is focusing on the subject of Disclosure.


Video-racconto del quinto SDG Forum

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