Snam, for the first time, has drawn its Financial Report on the basis of the integrated reporting model, an advanced approach to corporate reporting processes that integrates financial and non-financial information showing the link between the Company’s strategy, governance, financial performance and the social, environmental and economic context in which it operates.

Using this model enabled Snam to comply with the most advanced reporting guidelines on an international level and to present information in an innovative way, thus being able to better represent the way in which it runs its business.

The contents of the Directors’ Report within the 2015 Financial Report specifically represent Snam’s value creation model in the medium to long term. This has been described through the “Model of Capital”, in which different capitals (financial, manufacturing, intellectual, human, social and relational, natural) have been linked to specific activities of the Company, through operational, financial and non-financial figures.

The goal is to provide the best clue to information and to concretely illustrate the value created by the Company, thus enabling a profitable, efficient and durable allocation of resources. In this perspective, an increasingly effective reporting process reinforces a business culture focused on the Company’s development over the long term.

Financial Report (Download)



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