On 25 February 2016, A2A held its second “Multi-stakeholder Forum,” which saw the involvement of different categories of stakeholders. Twenty-nine external stakeholders participated (local authorities, customers, environmental associations, suppliers, entrepreneurs, experts in economics, environment and culture, and teachers), who were divided into four working groups, each of which worked on topics relating to the presence of A2A in the region:

  • Economic responsibility: understood as the economic value generated and distributed for the communities and citizens of the region; and innovation for sustainable development
  • Environmental responsibility: understood as mitigation of the environmental impacts of industrial plants and protection of the river environment; enhancing the natural capital
  • Social responsibility: understood as the joint development of cultural, sports and social initiatives to promote the region
  • Relationship with the region: understood as transparency in communications with stakeholders and the involvement of local players

The work of the day led to the identification of nine possible projects to be carried out, which were presented to the Senior Executives of the Company, represented by the Chief Executive Officer, Luca Valerio Camerano, the Chairman of the Territory and Sustainability Committee, Stefano Pareglio, the Head of the Generation and Trading Business Unit, Massimiliano Masi and the Head of the Group's Hydroelectric Power Plants, Roberto Gianatti.

Finally, we wish to mention that in the upcoming weeks – as occurred for Brescia – the first Sustainability Report on the regions of Valtellina and Valchiavenna will be presented. It will contain much useful information (environmental, economic and social) and will represent a tool for citizens to assess A2A's commitments and the results it has achieved in those regions.



Video-racconto del quinto SDG Forum

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