Gestore Servizi Energetici - GSE fosters environmental sustainability through promotion and development of renewable energy sources (RES) in Italy. The activities aim at providing financial support for utilization of renewable energy sources.

Contributing to sustainable development represents the main focus of the Company’s mission and is the driving force for its crucial choices and operative decisions.

By providing information and training, GSE makes new generations aware on energy efficiency and environmental respect: a first step to activate a cultural change.

Since 2011, thanks to the didactic project “GSE incontra le scuole”, junior high school students are hosted in GSE in order to show them, with slides and videos, the differences between various technologies enabling us to use solar energy, wind, hydro, biomasses, tidal power and geothermal heating to produce energy. During the meetings, students also familiarize with mechanisms linked to energy efficiency, sustainability and energy saving. A guided tour to the photovoltaic plant which fosters the building is also envisaged.

The Guidebook “Le Energie Rinnovabili, realized with the cooperation of the different Company Divisions, is given to the students: the book is an easy guide to sensitive energetic and environmental issues.



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